VFA Recommended Books

Elizabeth Boyer

Marquerite de la Roque - A Story of Survival - is the true story of a French Hugenot woman (like Elizabeth) who was marooned for three years with her old nurse and her husband on a desolate island near Labrador in 1542 - by her uncle and guardian. The miracle is how she survived the bitter cruel winters and wild animals, losing her baby, her husband and then her nurse - living alone for a year, until fishermen found her and returned her to France. She was the first settler in 'America, but the story is mentioned only in passing in history books. How Elizabeth got the true story is a feat of literary detective work almost as incredible as the historical circumstances it discloses. $25.00

A Colony of One - The History of A Brave Woman- Contains documents, maps and stories about the event which Elizabeth found in France. There are photos of Marquerite, her husband, and various family members...$35.00
Freydis and Gudrid - A documentary novel of three women; one, the daughter of Eric the Red; the other , the sister of Leif Erikson, and the woman who is the mother of the first European child born on the North American continent. The book tells of the little-known part women played in the conquest of the western wilderness. $20.00

Send check made out to: WEAL

Elizabeth Boyer Books
P.O. Box 16397
Rocky River, OH 44116
Visit the WEAL Website at: 

About the author:

Legendary feminist, Elizabeth Boyer, a lawyer and the founder of Women's Equity Action League (WEAL), was honored by VFA in May of '99 in Washington. WEAL was the prime mover in forcing state universities and colleges to abandon quotas and discrimination against women. When she passed the bar, unusual for a woman way back then, *Alice Paul heard about her and invited her to Washington, then got her to lobby for the ERA. Later, with another legendery feminist lawyer, the late Marguerite Rawalt, she carried the case on the Help Wanted Ads to the Supreme Court and "desexed" the banks.

*Alice Paul - the indomitable fighter for the vote, who chained herself to the White House, and was jailed and force fed. Paul founded the National Woman'' Party and started the fight for the Equal Rights Amendment.

(photo: Elizabeth Boyer is given the VFA Medal of Honor by Mary Beth Crisp also honored by VFA May 1999 in Washington, DC.)


From Patricia Bliss-Egan, WEAL National President...

I wanted to contact you about VFA's book listing of Elizabeth Boyer's books. WEAL is continuing on with Dr. Boyer's work! I am the current National President of WEAL. We are in possession of Betty's books and are selling them as a fund-raiser for the WEAL Foundation. Is it possible for you to change the mailing address for the purchase of her books? 
Elizabeth Boyer Books
P.O. Box 16397

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